Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rawafed Private School Task Five:

Student’s Name & ID:
ALmaha bakheet almahrami _2007138

School Name:
Rawafed Private School.

Name of Mentor Teacher:
M.s Mary.

Grade level:
Grade Two_D.

Date(s) of the visit :

Purpose of your Observation Today:
¨ Identification of the different aspects of the lesson and description of class activities.

A. description of class activities

With the help of the mentor teacher, choose two of the classrooms and complete your observations.

Grade: 2_D Subject: Math Duration of the class period: first period

What was the main topic of the lesson?
Place value

2. How did the teacher begin or introduce the topic to the students?
Ms Mary introduce the topic to the students by explained the lesson then and she settle them to do practice.

3. What kinds of activities did the teacher do? And what did the students do?
Did many exercise in math book and did some of it in own board.
The student opened their book and did the practice .

4. Closing Activities (How did the lesson end? For example; did the teacher review, make comments, play a game, give a quiz, give students an assignment, homework, etc.)
She collected practice work book and corrected it. Also they play games, than the teacher gave the student homework.

b. reflections and comments

a. What did you learn about teaching today?

I learnt many things such as:

a) I learnt how to manage and control the students behaviors in the class.

b) Make activities, games and give gifts for good student to avoid boring and to make class fun.

c) Also use many methods to attract the attention of students.
Observation Notes for the Fifth day at School

Student’s Name & ID:
ALmaha bakheet almahrami_2007138
School Name:
Rawafed Private School.

Name of Mentor Teacher:
M.s Marioli.

Grade level:
Grade Two_E

Date(s) of the visit :

Purpose of your Observation Today:

¨ Identification of the different aspects of the lesson and description of class activities

A. description of class activities

With the help of the mentor teacher, choose two of the classrooms and complete your observations.

Grade: 2 _E Subject :science Duration of the class period: fifth period

What was the main topic of the lesson?
The life cycle of cat.

2. How did the teacher begin or introduce the topic to the students?
The teachers introduced the topic to the students by told them short stories about the life cycle of cat.

3. What kinds of activities did the teacher do? And what did the students do?
The teacher explained the lesson by told them short stories about the life cycle of cat. Then they opened the book and did many exercises. The student interacted with the teacher.

4. Closing Activities (How did the lesson end? For example; did the teacher review, make comments, play a game, give a quiz, give students an assignment, homework, etc.)
The teacher made a review for them. Than gave the students the Book duties and she wrote the question in the board.

b. reflections and comments

a. What did you learn about teaching today?

I learnt many things such as:

a) I learnt to explain the lesson by fun methods to avoid the boring such as: explain by stories.

b) Check all the books of students, understand them and don’t scream until they do not fear me.

c) Also I learnt use many methods to attract the attention of students.

Rawafed Private School Task Four:

I. TASK FOUR: Why Do we Need Rules and Procedures?

Observation Notes for the Fourth Day at School

Student’s Name & ID:
Almaha Bakheet Almahrami_2007138

School Name:
Rawafed Private School

Name of Mentor Teacher:
MS Mary

Grade leve:

Date(s) of the visit :
I. A. Description of Classroom Management

With the help of your mentor teacher, choose two classrooms to observe today and answer the following questions:

Grade: 2_D Subject: English Number of Students: 22 Time: 8:00

Classroom Rules:

Were the class room rules posted in the room?
The rules were not posted.

Where were they posted in the classroom?
The rules were not posted.

Were the class room rules clear for students?
All the roles are clear for students.

What were some of the classroom rules?
1. Do all your homework
2. Keep the class clean.
3. Listen to the teacher.
4. Don’t speak Arabic in the class.

If the rules were not posted in the classroom, did you figure out what the rules were?
1. Do all your homework
2. Keep the class clean.
3. Listen to the teacher.
4. No screaming.
5. No eat in the class.
6. Raise you hand If you want to answer .
7. Don’t speak Arabic in the class.

Did the students have their shelf or cupboard space with the names on it?
No, the teacher put their names in the Wall.

Did the teacher assign a place in the classroom to put their work or homework?
Yes, the student writing their homework in the dialing book and she put their books in the rack in the back of the classroom.

What were the kinds of physical resources in the class room (e.g. PC, fish tank, bird cage)
There is only one kind of physical resources in the class room such as pictures and poster.
Student Teacher Interactions:

How did the teacher address or call his/her students?
She calls them kids or their names.

How did the teacher ask questions and how did she call upon the student?
She asks the students questions Understandably and clearly.

How did the student call their teacher?
(Miss, Teacher, Sir, Mrs. Martin, etc)

The student call their teacher Miss.

Did the students pay attention to the teacher?
Yes, when the students don’t pay attention with her ,she screaming.

Did the students follow the directions or instructions of the teacher?
Yes, but not all the students.

Did the students ask questions or doubts to their teacher?
Yes, they ask her questions.

Did you see other student behaviors such as student not being on task, speaking out of turn, etc.
Yes, like Abdullah is Activist and trouble. He speaking out of turn, also he is walking around the class.

Seating Arrangement:

What kind of seating arrangements did you see in the classroom?

Do you think the kind of seating arrangement affected interactions among the students? How?
I think this kind of arrangement is Fantastic, because it’s make student interacting with their teacher and collaborator with their classmates.

Illustrate or Draw the classroom set up and the seating arrangement and label your diagram with other items in the classroom such as whiteboard, teacher’s desk, book shelf, etc You can use another sheet of paper to complete this task.

I. B. Reflections and Comments.

a. List three things that the teacher said or did to manage student behaviors in the classroom.

1. The teacher ask them to be quit, If they don’t screaming.

2. If the student didn’t his duties she punishes him.

3. Change the place of the noisy students .

Student’s Name & ID:
Almaha Bakheet almaharmi_2007138

School Name:
Rawafed Private School.

Name of Mentor Teacher:
Ms Candic.

Grade level:
Grade Two_D

Date(s) of the visit:

A.Description of Classroom Management

With the help of your mentor teacher, choose two classrooms to observe today and answer the following questions:

Grade: Two_A Subject: English Number of Students: 24 Time: 10:10 AM

Classroom Rules:

Were the class room rules posted in the room?
Yes, the rules posted in the wall.

Where were they posted in the classroom?
The rules posted in the wall.

Were the class room rules clear for students?
Yes, all the rules are clear for students.

What were some of the classroom rules?
a) Keep your books neat and tidy
b) Ask before you borrow some thing.
c) Help your partners’.
d) Ask to go to the toilet.
e) Come to class on time.
f) Remember bring you materials.
g) Speak English in class.
h) Don’t eat in class.
i) Don’t shout in the classroom.
j) Don’t talk when the teacher is talking.
k) Don’t tease other student.

If the rules were not posted in the classroom, did you figure out what the rules were?
The rules were posted in the classroom.

Did the students have their shelf or cupboard space with the names on it?
No, they didn’t put their names on the table.

Did the teacher assign a place in the classroom to put their work or homework?
Yes, the teacher puts their homework in the Shelves in the back .

What were the kinds of physical resources in the class room (e.g. PC, fish tank, bird cage)
There are many kinds of physical resources such as, posters, model of the earth and animals toy.

Student Teacher Interactions:

How did the teacher address or call his/her students?
She calls them kids or their names.

How did the teacher ask questions and how did she call upon the student?
She asks the students questions Understandably and clearly.

How did the student call their teacher?
(Miss, Teacher, Sir, Mrs. Martin, etc)
The student call their teacher Miss.

Did the students pay attention to the teacher?
Yes, when the students don’t pay attention with her ,she put bad face in her names.

Did the students follow the directions or instructions of the teacher?
Yes, but not all the students.

Did the students ask questions or doubts to their teacher?
Yes, they ask her questions.

Did you see other student behaviors such as student not being on task, speaking out of turn, etc.

Yes, one kids his name is yousif, he not being on task and he speaks with his friends.

Seating Arrangement:

What kind of seating arrangements did you see in the classroom?

Do you think the kind of seating arrangement affected interactions among the students? How?

In my opinion this kind of arrangement is not comfortable, Make the class crowded .and make the students doesn’t pay attention.

B. Reflections and Comments.

a. List three things that the teacher said or did to manage student behaviors in the classroom.

1. The teacher make the class activity by playing games and give the good student smile faces their names.

2. Change the place of noisy students.

3. The teacher asks them to be quit, If they don’t screaming.

Rawafed Private School Task Three:

Before the observation

· Make up some interview questions to ask the student
(Some sample questions; add your own)

· How old are you?

Im 6 years old.

Can you tell me about your family?

I leave in almroor. We are seven in my family ,I have two sisters, two brothers and I’m the smallest .
· What are your favorite hobbies?

My favorite hobbies are, swimming, running, writing and drawing .

· What do you like doing during the break times?

Meeting my friends, walking playing and eating.

· What subject(s) do you like best at school? Why?

science ,Islamic and English because I learn many things about the life and I doing many things.

· What are some things you like about school?

Arts,music and BE(sport ).

· Why do you like school?

Because I meet new friends, learn something’s I don’t know and learn the number.
· What are some things that you dislike about school?
she don’t like math, vocabulary, drawing and Writing on the walls .

During the observation

After the observation

Answer the following questions, based upon your observation notes.
1. What classes did the student attend during the day?

Math, Islamic, science, English and music.

2. What was the longest period of time the student spent in the classroom without a break?

The longest period of time the student spent in the classroom without a break is English class.

3. What kinds of things did the student do in class today?

Reem did many exercises in the math ,science and Islamic ,reading , Took some quizzes repetition of some verses .

4. Did the student appear to react the same to all her subjects and teachers?

First she shamed from me and she didn’t talk to me but after I tried to talk to her .She reacted with me when I asked her question about some her subjects and teachers. She told me she loves are all subjects except mathematics also she likes all her teachers.

5. What did the student do during the break times?

She went with her friends, playing, eating and walking.

6. Describe the relationship the student had with his/her peers. Did he/she seem to have many friends?

Reem is friendly with her classmates. She like her friends, she has four friends, the best friend is her neighborhood and her name is Natasha. Also she likes her school as she said because her friends also she meet new friends.

7. Describe the student’s general attitude to school.

Reem likes her teacher and her classmates ,also she was study in this school from kindergarten so she likes her school and meet new friends, learn something’s.

A. Reflections and Comments

Last tuesday Ms Mary selected me to observe one of her student, her name is Reem. She is six years old, I stay with Reem, both inside and outside the classrom and I talked to her informally over the day. Reem was activity, quit and all her classmates and teachers love Reem because she is friendly .Reem has many characteristics that I observed, she is very diligent, cleanness and she likes organization. In the first Reem was shy from me and she didn’t talk to me. But I tried to talk to her and treat me as friend so she comfortable .I made up with her interview and she was react with me.
I learnt many things from observation of students. First, we should break barriers between us and the student .Second we should treat with student as friend because the student in this age afraid from the older. Finally, we use the things that they like to encourage them.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rawafed Private School_Task two

Observation Notes for the Second Day at School
Student’s Name & ID:

ALmaha bakheet almahrami _2007138

School Name:
Rawafed Private School.

Name of Mentor Teacher:
M.s Mary

Grade level:
Grade Two_D

Date(s) of the visit:

Purpose of your observations today:
· To shadow a teacher for a day and become aware of the life of a teacher

During the observation

Spend one full day with your mentor teacher and each time she performs a certain task, make some brief notes on your record sheet about what she is doing.
Example: Observation 1 Record Sheet

Time _Activity

7:20_Signs in
Teacher arrives. She signs in at the office.

7:20 - 7:30_Greetings
Teacher greets other teachers in the office.

7:30_7:35_Morning line
Teacher stands next to class student.

Teacher tries to organize the student.

7:40_8:30_Start class
Teacher takes the student to the class and begins with math class.

8:30_9:40_Break time
This time she go to her office and she do many things like: eat, drink coffee, correct students books and prepare for the next class.

9:40_11:20_Start class
The teacher starts the class English then science and they d many practice.

11:20_12:30_Break time
This time she go to her office and she do many things like: eat, drink coffee, correct students books and Attend for the next class.

12:30 _ 1:00_Start class
The teacher starts the class English and they do many activities such as: reading, vocabulary and do exercises. Then I left the class at 1:00pm.


Answer these questions:

1. As you review your observation notes, what did you think were the main tasks that the teacher did today?

Ms Mary introduce the class to the students by stick the board and the pictures related to the lesson on the wall, which the student did last class. Then the teacher began the lesson and it is about the spellings. And vocab then did some of it in own board. The student opened their book and did the practice.

2. What kinds of tasks or duties or work did the teacher do other than teaching her classes?

She doesn’t have any tasks or duties or work other than teaching her classes.

3. How much of her time did she spend at her desk in the teachers’ or staff room?
She spent around 3 hours.

4. Were there any tasks/duties that the teacher performed that you think could be dealt by someone else or in another way?

No, I don’t think that something can be with another way. Because she chose the best way for the students to understand easily.

A. Reflections and Comments

Were you surprised or shocked about any aspect of the roles and responsibilities of the teacher?

No, I don’t surprise and shocked about anything in this school. But the things which attract me the teachers help each other.

· What did you learn about being a teacher?

I learned that the teacher have many responsibilities to do. And the teacher should be honest in her works and help and understand the students. And I learned how to manage the student’s behaviors in the class. Also use many methods to attract the attention of students. Also I learned that should prepare for the lesson before the class.

Rawafed Private School_Task1:


Almaha bakheet almahrami


Name of mentor teacher:
M.s Mary

grade level: Two

Date of the visit:

Tuesday 23/9/2008
A) Description of the school:

Rawafed privet school is located in Abu Dhabi. The school opened in September 1993, its present by citizen and it's started with class from kindergarten to grade nine. In addition, the first batch of students from school graduated on the end of the academic year in the 1996/1997. The principal of R.P.S fadia aljabri and the other administrators are noha is secretary, Nora is in reception also May, rowyda and nada are social statistics. My school mentor teacher is Mary najm and she was from Lebanon .Ms Mary was teaching two years, she teaching grade two now and she teach English, Math and Science. The size of the school not big and school ground is located in the forward, the levels of instruction from(1-12) containing: kindergarten, Elementary, Middle school and high school.The holds number of students are 1500,teachers are 85 and staffs 105. Rawafed school has many physical resources and facilities such as, Gym, IT and science Labs, Pool, Library, playground and Auditorium.

The R.p.s followed American system, The curriculum includes English, Arabic, Mathematics, Science, Islamic Studies, Social Studies, Computer Studies, Art, Music and PE. In Grade 4, French is introduced. The school timings in Ramadhan are starting at 9:00 until 1:30 pm but in regular days the class beginning at 7:30 until 2:30 pm . The school organizes afterschool activities for one hour like, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, French, Drama, Music, Art and Craft etc. School also conducts wide variety of cultural activities, play and concerts.This school celebrate many events include notional day, Environmental Day, Literature Week, Healthy Food Day and Islamic events. The time of meeting between the parents and teacher is twice each year after exams.

Rawafed Private School aims to offer quality education to the local and expatriate community that will prepare the students for further education both here and abroad, the first aim of Rawafed School is develop in their students the knowledge, skills and concepts required in key learning areas including independent learning, successful problem solving and critical thinking. The second aim is provide learning experiences appropriate to the age, readiness, stage of development and maturity of students enabling them to integrate knowledge and skills across the grades and subject areas. Thirdly, develop the ability to communicate effectively in English and Arabic, while respecting the importance of the child's mother tongue if different. Finely, provide a range of cultural, physical and extra-curricular activities. Logo of Rawafed School contains a book, leafs and sun, which that mean the education like sun which help leafs to growth to make good future. the major school rules are be punctual for school and all class, wearing correct school uniform, respect the rights of others and avoid disturbing or interrupting the class and work quietly during class and follow all instruction of the teacher.

B) Description of the classroom:

When I went to the school, I was so excited to meet my mentor teacher. First, I met administrator teacher and she gave me some syllabus of school and Ramadan schedule. Ms. had taken me to Ms. Mary’s class. My mentor teacher “Ms Mary” is from Lebanon .Ms Mary was graduated from Lebanon University with special major education. She teaches two years English, Math and Science subjects for grade two in a Rawafed school. Then she asked about my name, my special major and my college. When I sit with Ms. Mary I felt relaxation and comfortable.

The goal of Rawafed School is to develop the basic skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking as well as physical movement, manipulation and the social skills essential to success in groups. The basic subjects in grade two includes English, Arabic, Mathematics, Science, Islamic Studies, Social Studies, Computer Studies, Art, Music and PE. The numbers of students in each class are around 20-25 students and the class that I will train in it is 22 students.

When I went to the Ms Mary‘s class, she organized the students’ in- four groups to help each other if they find any difficult in questions. The most students are very clever and some of them are active and anarchists, but Ms Mary has a great able to control them by using many ways. However, Ms Mary had great ways to attractive student to understand their lesson very well. In addition, she did many activities to break the boring of students. For example, play games to memorize the words of lessons, by gave them own board to write some practice of words. Then she gave the student who finishes first gift like sweet or pencils.

Finally, I think that make students in-group is a great way in education. This way of study has many advantages to students and teacher. Sit in groups help the student that has found any difficult in lesson by sharing togethers. This way of study make teaching easy for teacher by put the excellent student with week student in same group.

C. Reflection and comments:

In my opinion, the first impression of the school is more important. Its give me general ideas about this school. First of all, I feel afraid and stress because this first time for me and I will meet new people, whom I don’t know if they will help me or not. However, all my worries were gone when I came to school. And I felt welcome because the administrator and teachers received us in the reception which makes me feel happy and comfortable in this school. The first thing we do it in Rawafed private school is to take us around the school to see it and meet the teachers. In addition, when we look around the school we observe that every class has labels. This makes easy for me to know the school. And I think the school is very active and creative. It will help us in our work. Also, I think the school is organize and follow good roles which make the school leadership and looking for bright future.
Also, I like some classes than others. Because some classes organizing and cleaning. And, they put in the wall beautiful board which make the classes attractive. Also, some classes are funnier and interesting. And the student is clever.
On the other hand, I learned that the school is changing from the past to the best which encourage me to be a teacher and a good teacher. And from the observation I learned that the teachers are helping us without any rewards. Also, I learned that the time is very important for the teacher and student. Morever, the team work is first reason for achievement in school. Anther point, if you want to be a good teacher you should be good mother for student. At the end, I wish to success in college and educated with high marks