Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rawafed Private School_Task two

Observation Notes for the Second Day at School
Student’s Name & ID:

ALmaha bakheet almahrami _2007138

School Name:
Rawafed Private School.

Name of Mentor Teacher:
M.s Mary

Grade level:
Grade Two_D

Date(s) of the visit:

Purpose of your observations today:
· To shadow a teacher for a day and become aware of the life of a teacher

During the observation

Spend one full day with your mentor teacher and each time she performs a certain task, make some brief notes on your record sheet about what she is doing.
Example: Observation 1 Record Sheet

Time _Activity

7:20_Signs in
Teacher arrives. She signs in at the office.

7:20 - 7:30_Greetings
Teacher greets other teachers in the office.

7:30_7:35_Morning line
Teacher stands next to class student.

Teacher tries to organize the student.

7:40_8:30_Start class
Teacher takes the student to the class and begins with math class.

8:30_9:40_Break time
This time she go to her office and she do many things like: eat, drink coffee, correct students books and prepare for the next class.

9:40_11:20_Start class
The teacher starts the class English then science and they d many practice.

11:20_12:30_Break time
This time she go to her office and she do many things like: eat, drink coffee, correct students books and Attend for the next class.

12:30 _ 1:00_Start class
The teacher starts the class English and they do many activities such as: reading, vocabulary and do exercises. Then I left the class at 1:00pm.


Answer these questions:

1. As you review your observation notes, what did you think were the main tasks that the teacher did today?

Ms Mary introduce the class to the students by stick the board and the pictures related to the lesson on the wall, which the student did last class. Then the teacher began the lesson and it is about the spellings. And vocab then did some of it in own board. The student opened their book and did the practice.

2. What kinds of tasks or duties or work did the teacher do other than teaching her classes?

She doesn’t have any tasks or duties or work other than teaching her classes.

3. How much of her time did she spend at her desk in the teachers’ or staff room?
She spent around 3 hours.

4. Were there any tasks/duties that the teacher performed that you think could be dealt by someone else or in another way?

No, I don’t think that something can be with another way. Because she chose the best way for the students to understand easily.

A. Reflections and Comments

Were you surprised or shocked about any aspect of the roles and responsibilities of the teacher?

No, I don’t surprise and shocked about anything in this school. But the things which attract me the teachers help each other.

· What did you learn about being a teacher?

I learned that the teacher have many responsibilities to do. And the teacher should be honest in her works and help and understand the students. And I learned how to manage the student’s behaviors in the class. Also use many methods to attract the attention of students. Also I learned that should prepare for the lesson before the class.

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