Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rawafed Private School Task Five:

Student’s Name & ID:
ALmaha bakheet almahrami _2007138

School Name:
Rawafed Private School.

Name of Mentor Teacher:
M.s Mary.

Grade level:
Grade Two_D.

Date(s) of the visit :

Purpose of your Observation Today:
¨ Identification of the different aspects of the lesson and description of class activities.

A. description of class activities

With the help of the mentor teacher, choose two of the classrooms and complete your observations.

Grade: 2_D Subject: Math Duration of the class period: first period

What was the main topic of the lesson?
Place value

2. How did the teacher begin or introduce the topic to the students?
Ms Mary introduce the topic to the students by explained the lesson then and she settle them to do practice.

3. What kinds of activities did the teacher do? And what did the students do?
Did many exercise in math book and did some of it in own board.
The student opened their book and did the practice .

4. Closing Activities (How did the lesson end? For example; did the teacher review, make comments, play a game, give a quiz, give students an assignment, homework, etc.)
She collected practice work book and corrected it. Also they play games, than the teacher gave the student homework.

b. reflections and comments

a. What did you learn about teaching today?

I learnt many things such as:

a) I learnt how to manage and control the students behaviors in the class.

b) Make activities, games and give gifts for good student to avoid boring and to make class fun.

c) Also use many methods to attract the attention of students.
Observation Notes for the Fifth day at School

Student’s Name & ID:
ALmaha bakheet almahrami_2007138
School Name:
Rawafed Private School.

Name of Mentor Teacher:
M.s Marioli.

Grade level:
Grade Two_E

Date(s) of the visit :

Purpose of your Observation Today:

¨ Identification of the different aspects of the lesson and description of class activities

A. description of class activities

With the help of the mentor teacher, choose two of the classrooms and complete your observations.

Grade: 2 _E Subject :science Duration of the class period: fifth period

What was the main topic of the lesson?
The life cycle of cat.

2. How did the teacher begin or introduce the topic to the students?
The teachers introduced the topic to the students by told them short stories about the life cycle of cat.

3. What kinds of activities did the teacher do? And what did the students do?
The teacher explained the lesson by told them short stories about the life cycle of cat. Then they opened the book and did many exercises. The student interacted with the teacher.

4. Closing Activities (How did the lesson end? For example; did the teacher review, make comments, play a game, give a quiz, give students an assignment, homework, etc.)
The teacher made a review for them. Than gave the students the Book duties and she wrote the question in the board.

b. reflections and comments

a. What did you learn about teaching today?

I learnt many things such as:

a) I learnt to explain the lesson by fun methods to avoid the boring such as: explain by stories.

b) Check all the books of students, understand them and don’t scream until they do not fear me.

c) Also I learnt use many methods to attract the attention of students.

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